About the lyrics of my song “I Let you go.”
The song is about letting go of a loved one. The story behind the song is a taff one. Letting a loved one go is the hardest part. Life is beautiful, not easy, and the older we get, the more we realize that we are not prepared for all kinds of emotions. Light and fun ones are easy to digest. No hard challenge to put glitter on those feelings and have a limbo.
People who know me well know that my greatest urge is to build connections through my music. I firmly believe that emotions are key and that art should express those emotions and reach people’s hearts. I love expressing all kinds of emotions. But since I’ve struggled to follow my artistic path, I’ve had to undergo changes, and often they are challenging. My music reflects a lot of heavy emotions at this point. It is important for all of us to become a person of value to ourselves and others. But never forget to have fun and be the weird and lovable person you are. We need more weirdos. I need more weirdos to fulfill my lifelong dream of a unicorn dance with my audience. Stay great Here are the lyrics of I Let you go:
I let you go – lyrics
I Let You Go
Goodbye my dear
Though I may be hurting,
I feel you’re somewhere
Catching my tears
I need to break free
The pain you were holding,
You had to let go
Longing for ease
Honest grief beats hopelessness
You are the one I’ll never forget
So I breathe in and close my eyes
When I breathe out I let you go
Even though I know I’ll miss you
I let you go
I let you go
I feel so numb
The world is still turning
I don’t feel nothing
Can’t save me from
It pulls me down
Where is the surface?
I’m going under
Facing the ground
Everything fades nothing lasts
But you’re the one I’ll never forget
So I breathe in and close my eyes
When I breathe out I let you go
Even though I know I’ll miss you
I let you go
I let you go
I write you name
Colored your frame
I’ve pictured you behind my walls
No matter what
You’ll always be inside of me
When I breath out I let you go
Even though I know I’ll miss you
I let you go
I let you go
Music video
I Let you go
Watch the music video of “I Let you go!”
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